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مرکز اطلاعات علمی SID1
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One of The most frequent rules in various areas of demonstrative jurisprudence of Two Major Sects of Islam religion is a rule that is known among Shīʿa as “tolerance in The evidence of traditions” (Arabic: التسامح فی أدلّة السنن) and in Sunnī as “latitudinarianism in documents” (Arabic: التساهل فی أسانید). Believers in The general application of this rule have based it for reasons such as consensus (Arabic: إجماع), tradition famous through practice (Arabic: الشهرة العملیّة), and rational judgement (intellectual judgement) and a group of aḥādīth (Arabic: أحادیث, plural form for ḥadīth, literally “talk” or “discourse”) called “Akhbar-e- Man Balagh” (Arabic: أخبار من بلغ). The understanding of The aforementioned narrations and The extent of application of this rule has caused a conflict of opinions among scholars. The narrations containing The excellences of suras of The Holy Book of Quran is one of The fields of application of The rule of tolerance. The present research has explained The types of exposure to this group of narrations based on The rule of tolerance by using descriptive-exploratory method and using library sources and seeks to find a suitable approach about narrations of The excellences of suras (chapters) of The Holy Book of Quran. The interaction with These narrations is organized based on a special reading of The rule of tolerance in The selected approach, which is based on a rational interpretation of The contents of Man-Balagh (Arabic: من بلغ)’s narrations and is compatible with The indications of some verses and traditions. The use of weak narrations containing The excellences of suras (chapters) will be permissible based on this approach considering three conditions and without any certainty of attributing These narrations to Sharʿ (Islamic rules).

آمار یکساله:   مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

بازدید 46

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آمار یکساله:   مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

بازدید 298

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Purpose: The present research aimed at finding an answer to The question of The process of influence of cyberspace on Iranian Poetry in The future, and The influence of cyberspace on various aspects of poetry such as content, its audience, The poet, The media that published The poem, The process of composing The poem, The rights of The author, and Globalization of The Iranian poetry. Method: The Delphi technique was used to carry out this research. A group of experts comprising professors in The fields of Communication and Literature was selected. The expert’s opinions were collected and analyzed through an in-depth interview, a questionnaire based on The Likert scale, and by The execution of three stages of Delphi rounds. Findings: Accordingly, considering The content, The experts predicted that due to The impact of cyberspace, The quality of The poetry will be reduced and consequently, The language of poetry will become simpler and close to prose and it will only reflect The daily events of life. Regarding The audience, They concluded that The audience’s selection power will be increased, however, we can differentiate between The public and professional audience. With respect to The sender, There will be no phenomenon of multi authors, and regarding The channel, The experts agreed upon Media Convergence besides, The poets’ agency in publishing Their own poems will be increased. Conclusion: Experts believe that The spread of communication technologies will make censorship ineffective. This is The only case in which The group believes in The impact of technology on The future of poetry. The group of experts did not reach a consensus regarding The impact of technology on The phenomena such as publication of author’s poems as one’s original work and The Globalization of Iranian poetry, thus, analyzed These items in The framework of The human agency.

آمار یکساله:   مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

بازدید 146

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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Purpose: Something that happens in The future of a scientific field depends on today's view of young people about The future. The perception of young people from The future and Their conception of The future is very important. The purpose of this study was to imaging The future of sports science from The perspective of educated youth. Method: The method of The present research is qualitative and exploratory research and in terms of purpose is applied research. The statistical population of The study included educated youth who are familiar with sports science and The snowball sampling method was used for interviews and Theoretical saturation were obtained with 23 interviews. To analyze The data, The content analysis method has been used to obtain The information of this research. Findings: The results show The future of sports science among educated youth consists of seven main concepts that include: hope for a green education system, excessive interest in working in The sports industry, basic reengineering, relative disappointment from The ability of authorities, social position through academic education, desire for empowerment and lack of skills, injustice, and utilitarianism. Conclusion: Finally, by observing The mental images of The youth, it can be stated that sports science will move towards The dystopia if The current situation continues, and it can move towards The utopia with fundamental changes. In this direction, The stakeholders of sports sciences need to be togeTher and disagreements need to be managed as well as arbitrariness of sports science professionals should be reduced.

آمار یکساله:   مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

بازدید 106

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Four important ways of religious education in The field of beliefs are inferred in this article through The nature of religion in The Holy Quran. We have examined two categories of “nature of religion” and “methods of religious education” for this purpose. All verses including The root of “د ـ ی ـ ن” (religion) have been investigated in order to properly understand The nature of religion in The Holy Quran. Then, we have benefited from The inference method to find The ways of religious education in The Holy Quran. In The inferential method, we have reached The “conclusion”, which is The method of religious education by using two premises, “normative” and “realistic”. The solutions of The Holy Quran to achieve The methods of religious education are explained in The following. For example, using The Scriptures directly to know The right actions is one of The solutions of The Holy Quran to reach The way of believing in The punishment of deeds. The achievement of religious education methods through discovering The nature of religion and explaining The purpose of education on The one hand and using The inferential method as a research method on The oTher hand is one of The innovations of this research. The achievements of this paper can be used to provide an educational Theoretical model for formal and public education system.

آمار یکساله:   مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

بازدید 156

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This research seeks to design a native model and Theory for The development of cultural industries and creative industries through The tools and tools of economics and The freshness of The creative economy in The cultural sector. There are also practical solutions and applications for The development of cultural and creative industries regarding The promotion and application of cultural and creative industries, as well as for The people, The people and The city. The purpose of this research is to design a model for The development of cultural and climatic industries in The country and to become a creative Iranian. In this study, The grounded Theory of The Theory (field Theory) is used which is a kind of qualitative research method. Using purposeful sampling and Snowball with Theoretical saturation criterion, 50 environmental experts participated in this study. The semi-deep interview technique was used to collect information. Then, all data is encoded using The ground-based Theory of coding instructions. From The data, 151 concepts, 6 categories, 14 subcategories were identified in groups (environmental, causal, mediator, axial, strategic and consequence) and its paradigm pattern was designed. Subsequently, The self-concept Theory was presented in The form of a story and a visual model, and on The basis of which The definition and classification was used for The development of creative industries and cultural industries. In The end, by answering The five questions of Strauss and Corbin, The Theory of emerging The data is evaluated.

آمار یکساله:   مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

بازدید 190

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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


J Qual Res curr

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آمار یکساله:   مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

بازدید 115

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Qasemi Firouzabadi Narges | Rahimi Sayyidah Vahideh | Rahman Setayesh Muhammad Kazem

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How to profoundly change The beliefs of The polyTheists during The age of revelation from The denial of The Prophet (pbuh) to The certainty of his Message and The acceptance of his full guardianship is a question worthy of attention. The order of verses about prophecy based on The order of revelation is The reason to lead a transformative process and a special Quranic method in institutionalizing The belief of prophecy in The lives of Arabs. In The first stage, The Holy Quran in The first Makkī (Arabic: المکّیّ, suras revealed in Mecca) chapters has prepared The community from The motivational side to accept The truth of The Prophet’s (pbuh) prophecy and briefly stating The key issues surrounding it. The Holy Book of Quran at The time of The emergence of oppositions and doubts (The second stage) destroyed The arguments of The polyTheists and explained The prophecy and proved its auThenticity from a cognitive perspective in The second stage by presenting clear arguments. and The Holy Book of Quran in The third stage after Madanī (Arabic: المدنیّ, suras revealed in Medina) period has undertaken measures in order to fulfill The goals of The Massage by explaining The true position of The Prophet (pbuh) to deepen and operationalize The Prophetic belief through explaining practical duties for The Prophet (pbuh) and behavior based on The acceptance of Walaya (Arabic: ولایة, meaning “guardianship” or “governance”).

آمار یکساله:   مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

بازدید 88

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To optimize tomato (Solanum Lycopersicum) plant tissue culture condition, The effect of 13 different hormonal combinations and two explants of cotyledon and hypocotyl on The regeneration rate of three Newton, Infinity and Defines cultivars were investigated. Experiments were conducted in a factorial based on a completely randomized design with three replications. The highest shoot number (11.9 shoots per explant) was obtained for Defines cultivar on MS medium containing The hormones of TDZ=0.68, NAA=0.1milligrams per liter and cotyledon explant. Plant defense responses against environmental factors are one of The inhibitor factors of explants regeneration in plant tissue culture. Calcium ion signaling is one of The primary events and, of course, The most important event in plant defense response against pathogens, Therefore, The effect of verapamil as a calcium channel blocker was investigated on The plant defense response. For this purpose, inoculation was performed using Agrobacterium tumefaciens strain LBA4404 and based on optimized tissue culture condition. The effect of verapamil in four concentrations of 0, 50, 100 and 200 milligrams per liter was investigated in a co-culture medium. Results showed that The use of verapamil in comparison with The control sample reduced The plant defense response. Also, The use of 50 milligrams per liter of verapamil increased The amount of regeneration

آمار یکساله:   مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

بازدید 124

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Osemwegie Taiwo Wesley | Odimegwu Ike

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The problem of personal identity among oThers may stem from The following question—what does be The person that you are, from one day to The next, necessarily consist of? The diachronic problem of personal identity raises question on The necessary and sufficient conditions for The identity of The person over time. The synchronic problem is grounded in The question of what features or traits characterize a given person at one time. To answer These questions, John Locke discarded The soul and The body as necessary and sufficient substances for personal identity over time. He accepted consciousness as The only criterion for personal identity; The only thing capable of remaining The same and preserving personal identity through change. Though Locke’s argument is somewhat clear and coherent but what remains vague and incoherent is embedded in The question—what exactly is consciousness? How and why should it be The basis or criterion for The determination of personal identity? Using The method of critical analysis, I argue that Locke’s choice of consciousness as The determinant of personal identity, though quite novel, is incoherent and vague. Secondly, Locke had already presumed and anticipated clearly though fallaciously The very thing he wishes to substantiate. I Therefore conclude that Locke’s argument is just anoTher way of trying to escape but inadvertently prolonging The difficulty of apparently articulating a distinction between The psychological approach and physiological approach to The problem of personal identity. However, in my submission, I propose The concept of The “oTher” as alternative approach— a sort of an extrinsic-intrinsic approach to The problem of personal identity.

آمار یکساله:   مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

بازدید 142

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